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Book Review
Holding up half the sky

Image by John Fowler

Holding up half the sky

(Cascade Books, 2020)

Graham Joseph Hill

Reviewed by Liz Winderlich

Women have played significant roles in ministry and leadership throughout the history of  the church and in the pages of the Bible. Women make up more than half of the church but are often obstructed in preaching and leadership roles. The Biblical vision for women empowers and transforms the church in the world. Graham Hill explores ways to amplify the gifts and voices of women to revitalize the church.


In her Forward, Margaret Mowczko writes, “Men and women working in partnership, using their talents and gifts together without artificial restrictions, can only enhance the health and mission of the church, and this mutuality brings glory to our Lord Jesus”


Graham Hill is Interim Principal of Stirling Theological College (University of Divinity) Melbourne, Australia.



ISBN   978-1-5326-8611-5

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