International Women's Day
International Women's Day
8 MARCH 2021

Photos: IWD Service 7 March 2021 - Victor Harbor, SA.
Used by permission.
Gender Equity
To recognise International Women's Day, SDC has been highlighting gender inequities, including those in the LCANZ.
There are a number of resources in the slide deck on this page which can be used by congregations and small groups to raise awareness of these gender equity issues.
The worship resources also affirm that women have been suffering due to current practices in the LCANZ.
The truth is that we must focus on the Good News - the Gospel message. Through Jesus Christ, all are equal.
Indeed, there is no male and female as all are one in Christ (Galatians 3:28).

This link takes you to the International Women's Day 2021 website.

This document from 2016 explains how the Lutheran Church in Australia is out of step with the Lutheran Church across the World.

These Postcards can be handed out to members to assist them in understanding the theological reasons why ordaining women is able to be supported in the LCA

This link takes you to the International Women's Day 2021 website.