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Synod Summary

The Convention of General Synod, required by law to be held every three years, is the highest decision-making body of the LCANZ.


This means it is the 'church meeting' where decisions will be made on any proposals regarding the ordination of women  and gender equity that a congregation or District puts forward.


It's worth noting that the word 'synod' actually has three distinct meanings.


  • FIrstly, it means 'to walk together': as a community of faith, we ‘synod’ together


  • Secondly, it's used as a more general name for groups of congregations who join together to form a single organisation or synod' (small 's').  For example, there are 12 or so independent Lutheran synods in Australia ( these are formal and legal organisations).

    • Each of these synods is made up of one or more congregations or parishes.

    • The largest Lutheran synod in Australia is the  LCANZ Synod, which in turn is made up of the District synods

    • Each District synod in turn is made up of individual congregations/parishes unique to that particular District: all of these together make up the Synod of the LCANZ (proper name, so a capital 'S')


  • Thirdly, ‘Synod’ is also used as an informal abbreviation for the triennial Convention of General Synod of the LCANZ.


So putting all this together, the next triennial national Convention of General Synod to be held in Adelaide on 4-7 October 2024 is the time when the next opportunity to vote on decisions regarding the ordination of women will take place.   



Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it?
Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.
ISAIAH 43:19

Advocating for the ordination of women and gender equity in the LCANZ

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